For years a small yet prickly voice told me,
"there has to be more than this"
This life of work hard then you die.
This life where only atoms exist
in a mechanical universe.
I longed for the mystery,
the magic... for Spirit.
A series of initiations gave me the courage to lean towards that small voice.
To blow my life-giving breath into its embers.
To re-kindle the flame of my soul's longing and let it guide me.
Join me in-person at The John C. Campbell Folk School for Celtic Medicine Stories
February 14-16th, 2025
I'm from Border Folk. Raised on both sides of what is now the English - Scottish border, neither one thing nor the other.
Now I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains, neither British or American.
I exist on the edges of things.
I'm educated in Western Psychology (PhD) but I work in the forests and fields (dirt under my fingernails).
I guide Wilderness Rites of Passage Ceremonies and farm the forest.
I walk between worlds, guided by the unseen, reaching for the unknowable.
The Science of the Afterlife and Grief
How science shows us that death is not the end of consciousness.
Mediumship, Reincarnation, Near-Death and Shared-Death Experiences
Initiations and Rites of Passage
From time to time life presents us with a threshold.
We may have found ourselves there before,
maybe tried to get around it or back tracked,
but the path keeps returning us to this point.
It's a crossing.
What’s on this side is known, familiar.
What is on the other side is yet unknown
…but it is calling to us.
There are gatekeepers.
We can't cross the way we are.
We need to change.
Something in us needs to die.
Some old way of loving or living
is ready to receive an honorable death.
From those ashes, new parts of us are ready to sprout. Unacknowledged, hidden in shadow, they wait,
quietly breathing,
until we are ready to listen.
Rites of Passage ceremonies are designed to aid the crossing.
And life brings us it's own initiations when we are ready for them.
I have received both.
Ceremonial initiations and those thrust upon me by life and love.
Grief has been the most powerful initiation I have ever received.
Some Ways to Work Together
Group Rites of Passage Programs
Sharing a life transition with a group can be incredibly powerful. While each person is encountering their unique soul transition, we discover the human themes that connect us.
I guide a eight month women’s rites of passage program. And a six month group rites of passage program open to everyone.
Individual Rites of Passage Ceremonies
If you find yourself in a life transition, that place of turbulence, where you can’t see a clear way out this is for you.
We will co-create a ceremony specifically for where you are now and where your soul is calling to be. There is no limit here. Through a deep listening process we craft ritual(s) to serve who you are becoming.
Transformational Coachching
I provide transformational coaching (including hypnotherapy) in all the rites of passage programs. But if you are looking for one-on-one sessions without committing to a rite of passage ceremony then this is a good place to start.
I have a limited number of spaces open for one-on-one work. Please be in touch and I’ll let you know how my schedule is looking currently.